I’ve been wanting to do this bike ride for awhile, it’s a more local way to see parts of Venice. SO because we are almost out of time we have been trying do some of local things we have not done yet. We drove to Chioggia where we took a ferry to the island of Pellestrina, rode our bikes along it and then took a ferry to the island of Lido and rode our bikes along it as well. It was actually much easier than I thought it would be, I was wishing we had done it sooner. It was an all day excursion so we were exhausted by the end of the day, but it was a good day.

We made it to the beach on Lido island and hung out for a little bit. It was a cold day, so no swimming. But still a nice day on the beach.

The route of where to go was not always completely clear, but the island only take about 10 seconds to get across so you can’t go too wrong. They are LONG and skinny.

Declan managed to get a nap in, even in his bike seat. It’s amazing the positions these kids can sleep in!

On our way back we ended up smack dab in the middle of this tiny village’s carnevale parade. It was adorable. I think the whole (tiny) town was out for it. All the kids were in the parade. It was a really local event that we were lucky enough to stumble on.

I loved the small town feel of these islands. Nothing like Venice, and yet they are just across the lagoon.

See all the old men out for a stroll together? I love that they do that!

All day excursions are always tough with little ones that need good naps. By the end of the day they become a but grumpy. Thankfully Italians are super nice about this, they love kids.

When we got back to chioggia there were carnevale celebrations going on. See all the confetti everywhere? It’s like a carnival with the rides and everything but everyone dresses up and throws confetti at each other. SO much fun! Sadly we were too exhausted to join the festivities. We actually ran into Jonah’s teacher, Maestra Lisa at the carnival. It is a weird feeling to bump into a local friend in another country.

There is something about sunset and evening in Italy that is simply stunning. Love.