While the aquarium was great, the town was not our favorite. Driving proved to be super difficult (when I asked an Italian if Southern Italy was anything like driving in Genova, she laughed and said it’s much worse in S. Italy…which is pretty much insane). We lost our notebook with the address to our hotel written on it (it got left on the top of the car, oops). And our GPS was telling us all the wrong turns. We finally got parked and went to the aquarium, then had to repark after the aquarium when we finally found our hotel.
Walking around the pedestrian area (downtown) as it was getting dark was a little scarey. We checked into our hotel and Jonah was all energy and had a hard time going to sleep. Then he woke up with a fever! It hit so fast! Our plan was to hang out and explore a little but we decided to do a quick walk through and get Jonah home. So much for paying for a hotel so we could have an extra day. Ah the joys of parenthood.
Piazza de Ferarri (above)

One of the palaces, it’s not actually 3D, it’s painted. Really pretty. Very french looking as Genoa is over there close to France.

A famous church…very pretty

The city gate (above)

The house where Christopher Columbus was born. Which is notable because he was born to a lowly weaver, see how small the house is? 
And the highlight of our trip…first real smiles from Declan! And they haven’t stopped since! Although I am having a hard time getting some good ones on camera that little stinker…