Just thought everyone should know that Jonah FINALLY slept through the night here last night. He has been waking up every 1/2 hour or so asking for water or climbing into bed with us. But last night, he slept. (I on the other hand did not…my body for some reason wants to be awake from 12am to 3am…very strange).
Also, in light of Jonah’s upcoming birthday, I thought I would tell you all about his latest “interest”. Jonah LOVES trains. It came up out of the blue. We have never really talked about trains or seen them and all the sudden he gets super excited and says “choo choo” every time he sees anything to do with a train (which will typically be some kind of Thomas the train item at the store…he can pick them out from a mile away!) We bought him “Spencer” from Thomas the train and he takes it everywhere. I’m thinking Thomas the train birthday party theme for sure! The Px doesn’t have much selection for toys but I have heard that amazon will ship to an APO. So I might have to get him a train track…
Anyhow, Nick is at work today. Sounds like it might not be until the end of the week that we get to start looking for housing. We have to wait until Nick has in-processed. More paperwork. Goody. Jonah and I are just chilling at the hotel while Nick is at work. I think we’ll go outside now, the weather is too good to sit in here all day!