Some of you probably don’t care but this is a really big deal to us…
What that means is that we know have official government paperwork signed and stamped saying we are going to Italy. And with those three little pieces of paper we were able to arrange movers, flights and finally apply for our visas today. It has been a long eight weeks and a lot of jumping through hoops to get these papers in our hands.
So what now? Biggest thing is that we are waiting on the Visa…which at the latest (hopefully) will come back a few days before we fly out, hopefully it comes back early so we don’t stress too much. We scheduled out flight for April 6th. It is a ten hour flight including a one hour layover in Germany.
The movers…the army has this fancy new system for applying for your movers/transportation. It’s called “do it yourself” and it’s supposed to be the latest and greatest..pfffft. It stinks. So far we have tried fifty times today to get their website to work, and it doesn’t work. Lovely. But we are looking at scheduling the movers around the 16th-ish.
Which means that from about the 16th of March to the 6th of April we will be homeless and stuffless. We are considering a trip home (rather than staying in a hotel)…too many factors to decide just yet. Keep ya posted 😉