Word has finally started to spread that not only are we cheap, but we’re actually pretty good too. 🙂 We’ve had lot’s of photo customers this week and I just had to share this photo with you…it’s my favorite. Go Nick. (And thank you Mom for the awesome frame…don’t you love it??!)
Good things
Oh Niiiiiiiick!
Since our house at this current moment is three stories, I tend to yell for Nick a lot (his computer is in the basement). Well Jonah has been listening because now when he wants Daddy he says “Nnniiiiiiiiii!”
Just had to share.
Happy Birthday Hubby!
Nick is now officially 26! I am sooo grateful we could actually be together to celebrate this year. To start off the birthday morning, Jonah and I tiptoed around making breakfast while letting Daddy sleep. (My man gets up every morning at 6am to go do his required physical training…not many guys can say that their job forces them to work out every morning, Nick doesn’t even complain about it, in fact he is now training for a marathon!) Then we served him breakfast in bed. We also opened presents in bed. Clothes, money and a new heart rate/GPS watch for his marathon training. (Thank you to all our family for the wonderful birthday gifts, thoughts, cards and calls.)
We headed into DC later that day to go for a little hike around the Theodore Roosevelt Island.
We were going to catch a museum but we couldn’t find parking. We thought we had a spot, but really could not understand these signs…
So we headed to the yummy sushi place Kotobuki, where we enjoyed good sushi and beatles music. After which we stood in line to try the fabulous Georgetown Cupcakes, super yummy. Then we fought through traffic to get home and pass out from our wonderful day.
Happy birthday my man! I love you so much! May you have many many more years ahead of you. (But don’t worry, we can stop counting soon, since you are getting closer to 30 now.)
My tough boy…
Lima Beans
Found a good use for those food storage Lima Beans…
If I could do it again, I would use a WHITE foam wreath thingy (couldn’t find one) or at least spray paint it white before I start, and maybe the smaller lima beans…I dunno though because it took me hours using the big ones, so small ones might kill me.
Do you like my hat?
18 months today!
Happy 18 months of being alive to Jonah! His personality is starting to show more and more. The thing I have noticed the most lately is that this boy is stubborn determined. He is so lovable. He gives lot’s of hugs and kisses…especially to little girls his size. He’s a daredevil…jumping from really high without even looking is his signature move. He is a sponge lately…he is starting to repeat things that we say and do. Just today he started doing head shoulders knees and toes on his own (I’ve tried before and he won’t ever do it).
Everyone always asks what Jonah is saying these days so here ya go:
Favorite word: CAR!
Other words:
Ba (Which means bath, banana, balloon and book), What’s that? (Which usually means airplane), More, Pwease, Gramma, Tater, Dada, Mama, Truck, Tractor, Rawr, outide, inside, dog, buh bye (He is finally waving!), No (very occasionally so far…), Clo (his girlfriend, Chloe)….and many other words that I haven’t quite figured out what he’s saying yet…
Food, More, Please, Mom, Dad, Again
He is now walking up and down the stairs just using the wall for assistance. No new teeth to report. He is working on learning to share and play with others, and seems to be more interested in playing with others. He goes up and down the slide by himself. While his speech has not progressed a huge amount lately he definitely seems to suddenly understand a LOT more of what we say.
Six more months until he turns TWO! AAAAH!
Happy Halloween!
What can you do with an old hoodie? Make an octopus costume! I wish I’d had a different color because several people did think he was a lobster…but other than that I think it turned out cute.At first Jonah was running around the ward trunk R’ treat like a crazy octopus. Then he managed to stop at one of the trunks and realized they would give him things. He was super excited by this. So excited, that he took his prize to the far outskirts of the parking lot to sit and enjoy before going in for another one. Very cute.
Run Nick Run
For the third year in a row Nick competed in the Army Ten Miler, starting at the Pentagon and running ten miles around the national mall. This year he was sick, so he added a few minutes from last years time, but overall he still kicked booty. 1:18:20.
Do you see Nick? 30,000 runners compete every year.See all the guys in the tree line peeing??! Gross. Oh and there’s Nick…
Nick and his buddy Rob before the race…looks just like last years picture.
The only picture I managed to snap of Nick racing in to the finish…(sadly I couldn’t get in close enough to the finish line to get a better photo due to the fact that I decided to bring Jonah’s stroller so I wouldn’t have to carry him and a bum was following us around trying to steal stuff out of the stroller.) But check out the pain in that face…he threw up at mile seven and kept on going. Way to finish babe!
Cute Jonah.