We haven’t really started potty training but I do put Jonah on his potty when I take off a diaper to change it. I let him sit there as long or as short as he wants to, then I finish putting a clean diaper on him. Today, he peed while sitting on his potty! Yay Jonah!
Our newest toy…
The upstairs…
As you get to the top of the stairs this is what you see, Jonah’s full bath on your left and his room on your right.
His bathroom is a bit small to take an overall photo of…but here are a few fun details. I can’t remember who gave us the truck towels but they are sooo appropriate since Jonah’s favorite thing is cars/trucks. He says “car” all day long.And Jonah’s room. This is my attempt to remake the beautiful tree that Grandma Woodbury painted for us in our last house. Instead of doing two bright green tones I decided to use a very light blue and green…what do you think? I need to get a little bit more blue paint and I’m going to continue the tree onto the green wall only in blue. (Still need to hang some pictures on the other walls too.)
This is Jonah refusing to take a nap. Good times. I love the ABC floor mat thing. Except when he starts taking it apart.
At the top of the stairs make a sharp right and parallel to the stairs is this hallway to our bedroom/bathroom. Notice the wonderful big closet on the left.
Funny thing about this bathroom…because we are on the end, they decided that instead of giving us two sinks (like the middle units get) they would give us a bonus window. Notice where that bonus window is though…right behind the toilet. Neighbors beware…sometimes we do forget that it’s open! (I know, I know, I shouldn’t even open it, but Jonah likes to stand on the toilet and look out while I’m getting ready.) Shower on the left, big closet on the right that you can’t see.
And our bedroom…I have a bit of a dilemma here. The goal is to have a nice beach resorty bedroom (not tacky…like nice resort by the beach, soothing) I just got this thing from bed bath and beyond..bug net thingy. What do you think? Yay or nay?
LOVE the jute rug from Lowes (military discount, booyah). And also the green is leftover from Jonah’s room…I am still looking for something to hold those sticks in the corner.
On the right you see another bonus window for being on the end. Also you can see some paint colors that we considered.
Alright now here is why I am considering the bug net thing. I wanted to do some nice breezy, gauzy curtains. BUT…the bed cannot be centered on the windows, due to the closet door that opens up on the left side of the bed (you can’t see it, but its over there) So I feel like curtains would emphasize the uneven-ness. SO…if the bug net thing is too tacky, does anyone have some good ideas for me?
The end.
Our latest living quarters
Welcome to our home! That’s us, right on the end. Our front door is on the end and you can see the stairs going down to our basement door. Also, on the front of the building is a door that goes right into our kitchen. These homes were originally officer housing and were redone about 8 months ago. I think they are so cute…This picture is standing in the same place as the other one, looking the other way. You can see where we park the car, (right up next to our house, most people aren’t this lucky…plus no one else ever seems to park here!) and you can see the playground off in the distance and a little further away is the water fountain that was recently randomly installed in that big grassy field (they had an excess in the budget and had to use it, your tax dollars at work).
Our back door.
When you walk in the front door (on the end of the building) this is what you see. The stair case is straight ahead of you and the living room is off to your right.
The living room. (Viewed from the dining room, to the right is where you would enter from, there is also a half bath straight across from the shoe shelf thing, next to the stairs) See the windows in the entry way? They face a major road and Jonah loves to stand there and say “CAR!” every time a car passes, see his little stool?
The dining room, viewed from the living room. (Entry to the kitchen on the left there. You can see the light on the floor coming in from the door to the back yard/patio)
The kitchen. (Just past the fridge on the left is a door that leads to the basement).
And I will post the upstairs tomorrow…maybe. If I get around to it.
Pumpkin Patch
We decided to take advantage of the good weather and go pumpkin pickin’ this past weekend. (Last year we were freezing). The weather was a little too good…we were sweating the whole time. But they had lot’s of fun things to do and see so we had fun. There was a corn maze, a big jumpy thing, a playground, a petting zoo (for some reason Jonah loved the turkeys, they scared me), a “corn pit”…like a ball pit but with corn (this was my favorite! The corn felt so nice and cool), big slides and of course the pumpkins.
The beach in October
Nick had Friday off and the weather was AMAZING so we packed up our bags and headed for the beach, our favorite beach, Assateague Island (the one with the wild horses roaming about). When we first arrived Jonah was terrified of the crashing waves. We set up our tent and then sat on the beach and watched the sunset. We brought a little propane stove thing and heated up some soup for dinner and then later we had some bedtime tea, on the beach. Romantic.
That night, I could not sleep. I was awake pretty much all night. Afraid that I would roll over on Jonah and squish him, or that he was too cold (which he wasn’t…he was too hot most of the night) Or that the horse just outside our tent was going to step on us. Subsequently, Nick didn’t get much sleep either. Sorry Nick!
The next day we played alll day in the 85 degree (in October!!!!) weather. Nick even got a sunburn (surprise, surprise…) Jonah warmed up to the water and was running in and out of it with Daddy. He loved digging in the sand for seashells and eating it, yes…eating sand. I didn’t even bring a swimsuit for Jonah or me, I thought it would be too cold to swim. We had a wonderful time. Maybe this weather will hold for one more weekend…
Jonah’s First Haircut
So here it is, the long awaited footage of Jonah’s first haircut!
Military Life
Every once in awhile I have to stop and remember that some of the things that I live with on a day to day basis are not normal. For example: there is a fence around my town. There are guards that decide who gets to come in and who doesn’t. There are lot’s of people out running at 6 AM and often I can hear their shouted cadences. Men and women in uniform all over. Every day at 6:30 AM, 5 PM and 9 PM, from inside my house even, I can hear a trumpet sounding over the loud speakers. Usually this trumpet is a far off noise that doesn’t bother me much. But it seems that the new commander has decided to play it from the parking lot of the PX/Commisary (directly across the street from us). And it is LOUD!!!
Oh Shenandoah…
Harpers Ferry, WV was our destination this past weekend. We figured we would take advantage of the sunny weather while it lasts and go float down the river. And since we already own some tubes, we thought it would be good, cheap fun.
It’s about an 1 hr 20 mins to get there. Not too bad at all. Once we got there we stopped in at the visitors info (those places are my favorite!) They directed us to the three “tubing” companies in town that could give us a shuttle ride. The first place only did package deals, same with the second but the lady decided to be nice and sold us a shuttle ride for $5. When we got to the put in spot, we had forgotten to blow up our tubes. The lady there saw that we had the cheapy black inner tubes and felt bad for us. She was sitting there with a huge pile of tubes and no customers, so she said to go ahead and take some. Awesome!
Before tubing we stopped at a local fruit stand. Then we ate our fruit while we floated leisurely down the river with dragonflies all around. Lovely. (And yes we all had lifejackets, but the lovely Shenandoah is about a foot deep this time of year. So we were working on our tans.) (oh and also, those things they say about WV being super hick, they are true.)
First Haircut!
We cut off the mullet. Jonah and I both keep reaching for it to twirl that soft baby hair in our fingers and it’s not there. Sad day. But he does look much more refined now. Pictures coming soon.